This coming election is a wakeup call for our nation and our children's future. All of the issues point to an overwhelming complexity in our lives that screams out for simplicity. Google only paying 2.5% of their earnings in federal taxes; who donates to whom and how much in campaign contributions; the federal tax code; our complex relationships overseas; I can go own. The point here is that we as taxpaying, registered voting Americans must tell the people (notice I didn't use the word "leaders" here) we elect to REPRESENT us and our interests MUST try to simplify things. Let's start internally.
Start off with simplifying the tax code. How about a simple flat tax? This levels the playing field for all, reinforces the American Dream, and allows us to actually do what the Constitution says we have the right to do, Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
We then need to reevaluate our government. Are all of these Departments, Bureaus, Offices, and agencies absolutely necessary for the Branches of our government to perform the duties as laid out in the Constitution? There are efficiencies to be gained. The rest of the Government, under the direction of Congress, should follow the lead of Secretary Gates in DoD.
These are my initial thoughts, but we have to change the way we do business. Becoming a European-modeled Nanny state should never be our desired endstate. This is America. It was founded on risk, sacrifice, and heart. It's strength of character was built on facing our fears, challenges, and foes head on and winning. It's time to do that again. Change is painful, and unwelcomed, and scary, but we have to do this in order for our nation to again thrive.